Paris Manuscripts: Wages of Labour (Part 1)


Wages of Labour (Part 1):

Taken from the first manuscript of the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, often referred to as the Paris Manuscripts. Here, Marx makes his first reference to aspects that became integral antecedants to the well known concepts of his later Political Economy and bear continued relevance to today’s economic context. I will cover this section, the Wages of Labour, in two parts, as part of a series covering these early works. It is worth noting that the underlined subtitles are my own and are only a vague guideline aimed at breaking up the text.

Why is Labour a Subordinated Commodity?

Marx begins by outlining that wages are determined by the “antagonistic struggle between capitalist and worker” and that labour is subordinate in this relationship for “the capitalist can live longer without the worker than the worker can without the capitalist”.

Marx then goes into a…

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